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Why Donate?

  • Birth tissue may be referred to as postnatal tissue and is composed of the placenta (which contains amnion and chorion layers), umbilical cord, and amniotic fluid.

  • Traditionally, birth tissue is discarded as medical waste.

Why throw away this opportunity to provide the gift of healing?

  • Birth tissue has been used for decades to promote healing in burns, surgical wounds, diabetic ulcers, and many other health issues.

  • If a mother chooses to donate, we recover the birth tissue after the safe delivery of the baby and send it off to organizations we partner with to be processed and made into transplantable grafts that significantly improve a patient’s ability to heal. If for any reason the tissue cannot be used for transplantation, it may be used for research or education in the search for new medical treatments.


Who can donate?

  • All donations are voluntary.

  • If you choose not to donate, you are under no obligation. You will receive educational information to help you make an informed decision to donate your birth tissue.

  • Offered to all patients, both C-section and vaginal deliveries. 

  • All donors are evaluated to determine if any active infection or history of disease may affect eligibility to donate. For the safety of patients receiving transplants developed from your donated tissues, we screen for communicable infections, illnesses and/or diseases.

Donation of your umbilical cord does not imply the donation of your placental tissue.

You can donate both or either.

Graft Applications


Burn Injury

Patients with severe burns can benefit from grafts made from donated placental tissue, which can help minimize scarring.


Diabetic Foot Ulcer

To reduce the risk of amputation, placental tissue grafts can be added to the healing process for diabetic foot ulcers. The tissue acts as a scaffold and facilitates closure with the patient's skin to regenerate naturally.


Corneal Injury

Birth tissue grafts can be used to help heal corneal tears or chemical burns to the eye that could otherwise result in vision impairment or total vision loss. 


Spinal Injury

Spinal cord injuries can be helped through birth tissue grafts. These grafts promote healthy regeneration and reduce the risk of inflammation and infection.

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