Frequently Asked Questions for Hospitals
What tissues can be donated by the patient?
BTDS offers the opportunity to both vaginal and C-section patients to donate their birth tissue, which consists of the placenta, umbilical cord, and amniotic fluid. Patients can donate any, all, or none of the above as it is a voluntary gift. Once a mother is consented, birth tissue is acquired following the safe and healthy delivery of her baby.
Who handles the donation process and what is the hospital’s role?
BTDS staff handle all aspects of the donation process and tailor the donation program to work within each hospital’s current workflow. The hospital’s role is as simple as partnering with BTDS to give expectant mothers the opportunity to donate.
Is there any cost associated with implementing a birth tissue program?
There are no costs incurred by hospitals or patients. In fact, hospitals can reduce their costs by partnering with BTDS.
How do we get a birth tissue program started at our hospital?
Please connect with our Hospital Development Director using the form found on our "For Hospitals" page.